
The CXPR7192 provides a high integration solution for lithium-ion/polymer battery protection. The CXPR7192 contains advanced power MOSFET, high-accuracy voltage detection circuits and delay circuits.The CXPR7192 has all the protection functions required in the battery application including over-charging,over-discharging, over-current and load short circuiting protection etc. The low standby current drains little current from the cell while in storage.The device is targeted for any Li-Ion and Li-Poly battery-powered information appliances requiring long-term battery life.

One Cell Lithium-ion/Polymer Battery Protection IC CXPR7192





  1. 1.产品概述       2.产品特点     uuL嘉泰姆

  2. 3.应用范围       4.技术规格书下载(PDF文档)uuL嘉泰姆

  3. 5.产品封装       6.电路原理图  uuL嘉泰姆



 The CXPR7192 provides a high integration solution for lithium-ion/polymer battery protection. The CXPR7192 contains advanced power MOSFET, high-accuracy voltage detection circuits and delay circuits.The CXPR7192 has all the protection functions required in the battery application including over-charging,over-discharging, over-current and load short circuiting protection etc. The low standby current drains little current from the cell while in storage.The device is targeted for any Li-Ion and Li-Poly battery-powered information appliances requiring long-term battery life.

   产品特点 返回TOPuuL嘉泰姆

    Protection of Charger Reverse ConnectionuuL嘉泰姆
 Protection of Battery Cell Reverse ConnectionuuL嘉泰姆
 High-accuracy Voltage DetectionuuL嘉泰姆
 Charger Detection FunctionuuL嘉泰姆
 0V Battery Charging Enable/Disable FunctionuuL嘉泰姆
 Integrate Advanced Power MOSFET(20mΩ)uuL嘉泰姆
 Low Current ConsumptionuuL嘉泰姆

Operation Mode: 3.0μA typ.uuL嘉泰姆
Power-down Mode: 0.1μA max.uuL嘉泰姆

   应用范围 返回TOPuuL嘉泰姆

    One-Cell Lithium-ion Battery PackuuL嘉泰姆
     Lithium-Polymer Battery PackuuL嘉泰姆

   技术规格书(产品PDF) 返回TOP uuL嘉泰姆



   产品封装图 返回TOPuuL嘉泰姆


   电路原理图 返回TOPuuL嘉泰姆


  相关芯片选择指南 返回TOP          更多同类产品......uuL嘉泰姆

产品名称 封装 内阻/mΩ 保护电流/A 过充电压/V 过充解除电压/V 过放电压/V 过放解除电压/V 工作电流/uA 休眠电流/uA 备注
CXPR7186 DFN2X2-6L 50 1 4.3 4.15 2.5 2.9 3 0.1 电池保护
CXPR7187 SOT23-5L 50 3 4.3 4.15 2.5 2.9 3 0.1 电池保护
CXPR7188 SOT23-5L 50 3 4.3 4.15 2.5 2.9 3 2 电池保护
CXPR7189 SOT23-6L 60 2.5 4.3 4.15 2.5 2.9 3 0.1 电池保护
CXPR7190 SOT23-6L 22+22 3 4.3 4.1 2.4 3 3.6 1.5 电池保护
CXPR7191 SOT23-6L - 0.16/RDSON 4.3 4.1 2.5 2.9 2 1.5 电池保护
CXPR7192 ESOP8 30 7 4.3 4.15 2.5 3 3 0.1 电池保护
CXPR7193 ESOP8 30 10 4.3 4.15 2.5 3 3 0.1 电池保护
CXPR7194 DFN2X2-6L 95 0.5 4.3 4.15 2.5/2.9 3 3 0.1 电池保护

◀ 上一篇:高精度单节锂电池过流短路过充过放保护电路CXPR7191


下一篇▶:One Cell Lithium-ion/Polymer Battery Protection IC CXPR7193