CXDR7516C series devices area set of three terminal low power voltage detectors implemented in CMOS technology. Each voltage detector in the series detects a particular fixed voltage ranging from 0.9V to 5.0V. The voltage detectors consist of a high-precision and low power consumption standard voltage source as well as a comparator,hysteresis circuit, and an output driver (CMOS inverter or NMOS open drain). CMOS technology ensures low power consumption. Although designed primarily as fixed voltage detectors, these devices can be used with external components to detect user specified threshold voltages.
[ CXDR7516C ]
产品概述 返回TOP
The CXDR7516C series devices area set of three terminal low power voltage detectors implemented in
CMOS technology. Each voltage detector in the series detects a particular fixed voltage ranging from
0.9V to 5.0V. The voltage detectors consist of a high-precision and low power consumption standard
voltage source as well as a comparator,hysteresis circuit, and an output driver (CMOS inverter or
NMOS open drain). CMOS technology ensures low power consumption. Although designed primarily
as fixed voltage detectors, these devices can be used with external components to detect user specified
threshold voltages.
产品特点 返回TOP
Low power consumption
Low temperature coefficient
Built-in hysteresis characteristic
Low power consumption
Low temperature coefficient
Built-in hysteresis characteristic
应用范围 返回TOP
Low power consumption
Low temperature coefficient
Built-in hysteresis characteristic
Low power consumption
Low temperature coefficient
Built-in hysteresis characteristic
技术规格书(产品PDF) 返回TOP
产品封装图 返回TOP
电路原理图 返回TOP
低电压检测IC(复位IC) |
型号 |
输入耐压 |
检测电压精度 |
输出形式 |
工作电流 |
封装 |
6.5V |
2% |
1.8uA |
SOT-25 |
1.5-8V |
2% |
CMOS/N沟道反相 |
4uA |
SOT-25 |
12V |
2% |
CMOS/N沟道 |
1.1uA |
SOT-23 |
6V |
2% |
CMOS/高有效和低有效/带手动复位 |
52uA |
SOP8 |
6V |
2% |
CMOS/高有效/带手动复位/带看门狗 |
52uA |
SOP8 |
6V |
1% |
N沟道/低有效 |
1.0uA |
SOT-23 |
6V |
1% |
CMOS/低有效 |
1.0uA |
SOT-23 |
6V |
2% |
CMOS/低有效 |
8.0uA |
SOT-23 |
6V |
2% |
CMOS/低有效/带手动复位 |
8.0uA |
SOT-143 |
◀ 上一篇:CXDR7518微处理器复位电路存储器电池备份电路上电复位电路供电失效检测CMOS技术开发的高精度低功耗小封装可编程电压检测芯片检测电压在小温度漂移的情况下保持极高的精度
下一篇▶:CXDR7524 CXDR7523L微处理器复位电路电源电池电压的监测集成有微处理器复位电路看门狗电路手动复位电路阈值为 1.22伏的电源掉电电压比较器